“I have had no word from him in a year and five months you can know just how much this letter means to me.”
May 11th, 1943
Mrs. E. Brewster,
1201 Harbor Ave. S.W.,
Seattle, Washington.
My dear Mrs. Brewster:
I am most appreciative of your letter relaying to me the shortwave message from my son, Clifford F.S. Bebell. I am thrilled beyond words to hear from him. When I tell you that I have had no word from him in a year and five months you can know just how much this letter means to me.
My delay in acknowledging has been due to the large number of letters I received from all parts of the country. I have tried to answer in the order received.
You who listen to these short wave broadcasts and then so kindly send them on to anxious relatives are doing such a worth while service. I am sure it must be a source of great satisfaction to you to be able to bring joy to so many homes. Those to whom it means so much are most grateful.
Agan, my sincerest thanks.
Cordially yours,
(Mrs.) William F. Bebell.
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