Letter from Mrs. Benjamin Bender, May 14th 1943

“I want to thank you again and again for your kind attention in this matter.”

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Victory Angels WW2 WWII Ham Radio Documentary



Dear Mrs Brewster

Thank you for your letter notofiying us of the broadcast heard on your short wave radio.

Yes, many kind people were con-siderate enough to write to us and as we got a bit of the message from each individual we were able to piece them together o get a complete story.

You may be interested to learn that people from Pa., Ill., Ohio, Conn., Albuquerque New Mexico, and various sections of California wrote to us of the message.

It is gratifying to learn of the goodness in people, and we hope there may be peace on earth so that our families may all be united again.

Thank you again for your goodness and if ever you should hear of my brother’s name again on the radio please notify us.

With many thanks.

Mrs. Benj. Bender

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